Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feds: 14 charged in insider trading case

Federal prosecutors say criminal charges have been filed against 14 people, including attorneys and Wall Street professionals, in a widening $25 million insider trading case that has already snared one of the richest men in America.

According to court papers filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, Zvi Goffer operated an insider trading network in 2007 and 2008 that included a lawyer who fed tips gleaned from his firm's work on acquisition deals.

Goffer worked at Shottenfeld Group LLC in Manhattan in 2007 and at Galleon Group for the first nine months of 2008 before he started his own trading firm, the papers said.

Last month, authorities arrested Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam and five others in an insider trading scheme that the Securities and Exchange Commission estimated produced $25 million in profits for its participants. A bail hearing for Rajaratnam, who is free on $100 million bail, was scheduled for later Thursday.

Rajaratnam has denied through his lawyer participating in the scheme to use inside information to trade stocks at a profit ahead of public announcements.

In court papers, new details about the alleged scheme emerged to show how the government built its case.

The papers put Goffer in a central role. It was not immediately clear who would represent him at an initial court appearance.

A criminal complaint prepared by FBI Agent David Makol said Goffer paid others to obtain secrets about public companies' planned merger and acquisition activity that he then used to execute profitable securities trades.

The complaint said Goffer provided conspirators with prepaid cellular telephones so they could communicate in a way that reduced their chance of detection by law enforcement.

Among those who fed him tips that reached Goffer was Arthur Cutillo, a lawyer with Ropes & Gray, a law firm that held secrets regarding mergers and acquisitions, the complaint said. The tips included information about the announcement in September 2007 that Bain Capital Partners LLC would acquire 3Com, a technology company, the court papers said.

According to the complaint, Cutillo fed tips to another lawyer, Jason Goldfarb, who relayed them to Goffer.

In a statement, Ropes & Gray said it was "deeply disappointed to learn about this situation, which suggests an extreme breach of this person's duty of trust to our clients and to the firm."

It added: "We cannot comment in detail on an ongoing investigation but we are moving quickly to protect our clients and are cooperating fully with authorities."

The complaint said the government broke the case with the help of a confidential informant and three court-authorized wiretaps, including one on Goffer's cellphone that captured conversations in 2007 and 2008 and another on Goldfarb's phone.

The informant, who executed trades based on insider information while working at a hedge fund, has cooperated with the FBI since July 2007 and has agreed to plead guilty to charges of conspiracy and securities fraud in the hopes of getting leniency, the complaint said.

The U.S. attorney in Manhattan, the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission scheduled a midday news conference Thursday to discuss the case.

SEC spokesman John Nester in Washington declined to comment.

Passport To Wealth Home Business

Passport To Wealth Home Business

Author: Colon Bolden

The founder of Passport To Wealth is Darren Gaudry. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. If there was a way to define the line of products, I'd say that these products are softwares or scripts on internet marketing. You also stand a chance to market and profit from Passport To Wealth at a nice $997 per sale.

The company provides adequate training programs for its members to get started with the sale of various software programs. These programs are attractive and modern due to which the consumers are attracted towards them. Passport To Wealth follows an Aussie (Australia) 2up compensation plan. It means that any new member joining Passport To Wealth compensation plan has to create two members below him/her and likewise the other two members have to create two more members below themselves. Next, the profit earned by the final two members will be handed over to the main head member.

If you are new to internet marketing it is essential that you join someone who can help you every step of the way. When you join passport to wealth - Find out the Real Truth everything is setup for you, all you need to do is advertise in the correct places online and offline. Basically you need to get droves of traffic to your online webpage also known as a squeeze page. If you can do this then you would not be thinking passport to wealth was a scam, you would be very happy you have joined and that you were making a fantastic income on auto-pilot.

A 2up compensation plan is followed by the company of Passport to Wealth. The rule of this plan is that a member of Passport to Wealth needs to convince two other new members to join the program. Those two members will add two members each and in this way the chain of the business will expand. The compensation plan is very easy and effective and such plans are very popular among the MLM business houses in Australia and the United States. This famous 2up plan incorporated by Passport to Wealth is also known as Down Under.

There are some flaws that all pass up programs have. They are structured in a way that you must pass up your first two sales to the person who got you into the business. After you have passed up $2000 of your hard work you are now qualified to keep the commissions from your sales and you breakaway from your sponsor. This is marketed as a good thing and I have yet to figure out how this is good? I work with newbie marketers all the time who need mentorship, guidance and on going training to achieve success online. With a passup program after you make your two sales your sponsor has no financial incentive for your success.

The summary is that Passport To Wealth is not a scam or pyramid. They have legitimate products to move to the consumer, even if they are over marketed. They also do teach some valuable skills in online marketing and automation, but there are programs out there for the same price that have more in depth training to offer with much more synergistic compensation plans that promote team work. Experienced marketers may find success with this program but will always be stuck finding and training new partners that then break away and are stuck finding and training more new partners in a never ending cycle. For this reason I chose not to get involved with Passport To Wealth and found other companies that promote team effort and success.

About the Author:
Colon Bolden is a top internet marketer who works with internet leaders from around the world. His real passion is helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations of earning a full time income on the internet. If you're interested in becoming a member of the most unique community ever that truly cares about you and your family, learn more about what WeNetProfits has to offer.

Article Source: - Passport To Wealth Home Business

Are Brands Dead for Good?

Are Brands Dead for Good?

Author: Sparxoo

“Brands are dead!” says marketing guru, Faith Popcorn. Consumers are asking themselves, “Why would I buy a 50 oz Tide for $20 when I could buy a house brand for $3.99?” But she is not the only one declaring a fateful decline of brands. Brand values are down across the board, according to a new study by Interbrand. When budgets are tight, are consumers thinking about brands or price? Studies show consumers tend to look at store shelves, not the products on them.

Though name brands might be taking a hit today, what happens when we emerge from the recession and we have more disposable income? We’ll hand over the debate to our three industry commentators: Ana the Analyst, Creo the Creative and Connie the Consumer.

Will brands be the titans in 2015 that they were in the 1990s:

Ana: Marketing guru, Faith Popcorn, doesn’t seem to think so. A new study by Catalina Marketing and the CMO Council indicates that 52% of consumers who were highly loyal to certain packaged goods brands in 2007 became “markedly less so last year.” This is consistent with Faith Popcorn’s findings from the “Culture of the Recession” Study, which indicated that 48% had made a “conscious decision to switch from a brand name product to a store brand/private label product.”

Connie: Until recently, I did buy name-brand packaged goods. Everything from Tide to Coca-Cola was in my shopping cart. As money has been tight, it’s been difficult to maintain the shopping habits I had accustomed myself to. Since I’ve made the transition to more private label purchases, I haven’t notices an incredible difference. Though I must stay, RC Cola has much more flavor than their competition. Other than that, it’s just slight adjustments here and there. After we emerge from the downturn, I don’t think I’m going to go back to 100% name brands. I like saving an extra few bucks.

Creo: Let me ask you Connie, how did it feel to buy name brand?

Connie: Good, actually.

Creo: Ah ha! You had an emotional connection to the brand. It is those brands that bridge the gap between just laundry soap to a feeling of freshness and comfort. Through creative wit, marketers and advertisers can still create the connection between consumer and brand. Beyond creative wit, marketers are increasingly...

To read more about branding, go to Sparxoo, a digital marketing, branding and business development blog.

About the Author:

Sparxoo is a business blog that inspires breakthrough by tomorrow’s leaders. We are a strategy consulting firm with a pulse on marketing, branding, and development.

Article Source: - Are Brands Dead for Good?

Sales Recruitment and Training

Sales Recruitment and Training

Author: David Nalin

Whether someone has a special talent for a given professional field or is especially interested in how it operates and changes through time, the ability to truly excel in a position is usually heavily dependent on the quality of any training that is received. This is especially true in the world of sales, where myriad techniques and theories exist and grow in an effort to help companies attract more partners and customers, igniting the international engines of commerce and trade. While the high motivation and outgoing communication skills of a potentially phenomenal salesperson are often as easily identified as an exceptional sales position itself, understanding how a job candidate might need to be trained to achieve their full potential can be difficult for even the most thorough of companies and hiring teams. Likewise, salespeople entering new jobs may find themselves unsure of how to apply their skills and knowledge at first, leading to lost time and prospective sales as effort is poured into preparing. Sales recruitment companies provide a clear solution to such problems, and are often able to ensure that jobs are filled and begun with the best possible chances for success through effective training.

As part of a quality sales recruitment service, training can take place either before or after placement, though many companies and employees alike are bound to find that training after placement is the most rewarding and meaningful method with which to work. Sales recruitment teams with post-placement training services can be of extraordinary benefit to employers, many of which suffer substantial losses when filling positions due to compulsory training and adjustment periods. Training as delivered through a sales recruitment firm can ensure that the basics of excellent sales, along with techniques pertinent to the individual position, are introduced and absorbed quickly and efficiently, leading to faster and more numerous sales.

Salespeople themselves can appreciate the advantages of training through a sales recruitment team, as the methods and concepts covered can apply to the field in its multitude of forms and serve as the basis for a solid understanding of sourcing sales opportunities and closing deals. Through participation in sales recruitment training while starting a new position, salespeople can instantly apply their lessons and incorporate new ideas, resulting in positive outcomes that can be expanded and improved with personal effort and time. Undergoing the process of sales recruitment training can help take the initial confusion and length adjustment out of employment, leading to the rapid establishment of a quality sales record and providing a great foundation upon which to launch an extraordinary career.

Choosing to work with a sales recruitment company that provides extensive and practical training is a great way for companies and job seekers to move past the difficulties typically associated with filling open positions. With the perfect combination of motivation and practiced skill gleaned from quality training, salespeople and their employers can and do achieve amazing things.

About the Author:

myfirstsalesjob ® Specialist Sales Recruitment Agency based in Melbourne. Unlike traditional Sales Recruiters & Employment Agencies, oursales recruiter Services include Assessment, Placement + Professional B2B Sales Training of candidates.


Article Source: - Sales Recruitment and Training

Conflict Management Tips for Managers?

Conflict Management Tips for Managers?

Author: sanjay

Unfortunately this same mentality carries over to the workplace. Most of us too quickly place the blame on everyone and everything else before admitting that we also have a part in where we are and what we are doing when bad things happen. If fact weve gone so far down this path that many managers believe you should never admit you were wrong in a work environment.
So before you get too hard on the other person, take a look at yourself and think about how you could have approached the situation differently in the first place. Look at the situation from the other person's point of view before you pass judgment.
2. Talk to the person first
Assuming you have taken an honest look at your part in the conflict, and still feel the other person is at least partly to blame. Go talk to them. I know it sounds simple, but most conflicts can be resolved this way. Unfortunately what many people do instead is go complain to their coworkers instead. They tell everyone but the person they have the problem with all about it.
When the person finally finds out you have a problem with them its through the grapevine, and now the situation is a lot bigger and harder to resolve than it ever needed to be. If you talk to the person you have issue with before you talk to everyone else it is a lot easier to resolve the situation. Ninety percent of the time, this is all the conflict resolution you need and you can forget the other steps.
If this does not work the first time, do not despair. Give it a day to cool and try again. This second attempt shows the other person that this is important you and you want to work it out. Try talking to the person at least two times before you run to their manager.
3. Talk to their manager
If you've tried unsuccessfully to resolve the issue between the two of you, then its time to bring it to their manager. Part of a manager's job is to resolve contentious issues between people. Often, just notifying their manager that you have a problem is enough to solve the problem. This lets people know that you really have a problem with the situation and are determined to follow through to get a resolution.

Be sure that you honestly tried talking to the person at least twice before you involve their manager. The biggest mistake people make when bringing in peoples managers, especially in the email age, is to run to mommy too soon. Yes, managers are there to help you resolve things, but you are also grownups in a work environment, not children in a daycare. There are few things worse for a manager than high maintenance employees who need their help with everything.
If you can tell their manager that you tried talking to the person first, they will be more inclined to listen to your story, and offer some assistance. If you run to them too soon, theyll probably just tell you to work it out amongst yourselves.
4. Talk to your manager
If you have tried talking to the other person, and to their manager and still have not come to any resolution you are probably getting frustrated. This is where your manager comes in. First of all, you have the right to complain about a situation to your manager. Its part of what they are there for. Second of all, if you do not talk to someone on your side about it, you will end up complaining about it to your team.
If you are a manager yourself, it is important to remember that you always complain up, not down. Its okay to discuss your grievances with your manager. It is not okay to complain about the business and any of its people to your team. Part of your responsibility is to represent your company to your team in the best possible light. If the boss is complaining about a situation, things will deteriorate quickly.
After talking to your manager, you need to accept the resolution given. If they choose not to resolve it to your liking, that is their decision and you need to respect it. In all but the most severe situations, this is where it should stop. We are all grown ups here, and sometimes we simply need to accept that we don’t always get everything our own way.

About the Author:

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to credit card, do please browse for more information at our websites.

Article Source: - Conflict Management Tips for Managers?

Notification of Revision to Performance Forecast for Full Financial Year and Dividend Forecast

Notification of Revision to Performance Forecast for Full Financial Year and Dividend Forecast

Author: Market Wire

TOKYO--(Marketwire - October 30, 2009) - The Company would like to announce the decision made at the Board of Directors held on October 30, 2009, to revise, based on elements such as the following recent performance trends, the performance forecast for FY2009 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010), that was announced on April 30, 2009.

1. Revision to the Performance Forecast

(1) Consolidated performance forecast for FY2009 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010)

(Units: Billion yen, %)

Operating Recurring Net income
Operating (loss) (loss) (loss) per
Revenues income profit income share
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------
Forecast as of Apr Billion Billion Billion Billion Yen
30, 2009 (A) yen 1,350 yen 35 yen 5 yen 3 1.55
========== ========== ========== ======= ========
New forecast (B) 1,260 (20) (45) (28) (12.04)
========== ========== ========== ======= ========
(B - A) (90) (55) (50) (31) -
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------
% Change (6.7) - - - -
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------
Ref. (Apr 1, 2008 -
Mar 31, 2009) 1,392.5 7.5 0 (4.2) (2.19)
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------

(2) Non-consolidated performance forecast for FY 2009 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010)

(Units: Billion yen, %)

Operating Recurring Net income
Operating (loss) (loss) (loss) per
Revenues income profit income share
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------
Forecast as of Apr Billion Billion Billion Billion Yen
30, 2009 (A) yen 1,210 yen 30 yen 1.5 yen 1 52
========== ========== ========== ======= =======
New forecast (B) 1,110 (23) (46) (29) (12.47)
========== ========== ========== ======= =======
(B - A) (100) (53) (47.5) (30) -
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------
% Change (8.3) - - - -
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------
Ref. (Apr 1, 2008 -
Mar 31, 2009) 1,248.6 (0.7) (3.5) (1.8) (0.94)
---------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------

Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the associated document.

President and CEO: Shinichiro Ito
(Code number: 9202, First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka
Securities Exchange)

About the Author:

Article Source: - Notification of Revision to Performance Forecast for Full Financial Year and Dividend Forecast

All Nippon Airways: Outline of the ANA Group Management Strategy for the Next Period

All Nippon Airways: Outline of the ANA Group Management Strategy for the Next Period

Author: Market Wire

TOKYO--(Marketwire - October 30, 2009) - In order to survive the worldwide recession and this time of drastic change in the industry's competitive environment, and to move up to a more global stage of doing business, ANA has taken advantage of the planned 2010 expansion of capacity at Tokyo metropolitan airports (Haneda and Narita) to put together the framework for its ANA Group Management Strategy for the next period.

Hit by the world recession stemmed from a financial crisis last year, ANA Group formulated the "FY2009 Corporate Plan," centered on cutting JPY73 billion in costs, and the "FY2009 Emergency Income Recovery Plan" aimed at improving our financial standing by JPY30 billion to cope with suppressed demand due to the impact of the new strain of influenza. Step-by-step, the Group carried out an unabashed review of each business and cost structure. Meanwhile, due to the prolonged decline in demand, orientation toward low prices, intensification in competition with other transportation facilities, liberalization in aviation, etc., the environment in which the ANA Group finds itself has become even more severe.

Confronted with such a changing environment, and upon the formulation of a new management strategy, the Group promotes a growth strategy under the keywords of this changing environment, "deflationary basis," "globalization," and the move toward the "Open Sky Policy" The following two points will be the axes of this growth strategy.

-- Implement radical reform and restructuring so as to build a "basis
for growth" equivalent to returning to the black in 2010, even on a
deflationary basis, and giving rise to stable revenues in FY2011

-- Leverage the business opportunity to the maximum with the expansion
of the capacity at the Tokyo metropolitan airports, center hereafter on
growth of international air routes, achieve No. 1 in Asia quickly, and
establish the new management vision of stepping up "on a more global stage"

Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the associated document.

About the Author:

Article Source: - All Nippon Airways: Outline of the ANA Group Management Strategy for the Next Period

Top Indonesia Law Enforcers to Resign over Scandal

Two senior Indonesian law enforcement officials will resign, police and government officials said on Thursday, following a public outcry over a suspected plot to undermine the country’s anti-corruption agency. Susno Duadji, the national police’s chief of detectives, and Abdul Hakim Ritonga, the deputy attorney general, were among the various law enforcement agency officials allegedly involved in a plot to frame two officials at the Corruption Eradication Agency, or KPK.

The two men could not be reached for comment. Transparency International has previously named the police and judiciary as among Indonesia’s most corrupt institutions and the prospect of a clean-up of these agencies would be positive for reform.

National police chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri, when asked by reporters whether Duadji would resign over the case, said “he will definitely resign, but we are following procedures”. Attorney general Hendarman Supandji, when asked about Ritonga’s status, said, “yesterday he has stated his resignation. The written statement will be submitted to me today.

Should You Consolidate Your Debts?

Directory Submission

If you have gotten yourself into debt over your head, you are probably wondering, should you consolidate your debts? It can help you manage matters and get those debts paid off, but it isn't for everyone. In addition, some people qualify for credit counseling, which will help you pay off your debts by reducing the interest and payments for each. Hopefully you can get out of debt without going this far.

The first step to getting your debts under control is to write out your exact income and outgo for a couple of months. Find out exactly how much you owe and how much you have coming in. How does it look on paper?

A rule of thumb is that you should be able to pay twice the minimum on each debt, save ten percent of your income for emergencies, and still be able to pay your utility bills and buy your groceries. If you do not have enough income to do this, debt consolidation might help. If you do have enough income to do this, you are probably better off to find ways to spend less and chisel away at your debt load that way.

If you find yourself using credit cards for things like food and laundry detergent, you are probably overextended on bills. Debt consolidation or going to a credit counseling agency can help you. Which ever route you choose to go, you can make a big impact on your financial situation by living more frugally. Find ways to cut back on those basic bills. Do you really need your cable TV? Could you get a cheaper cell phone plan? Can you transfer high interest credit card balances over onto lower interest cards?

Many of the things we spend on are convenience expenses because we are so busy we can't do things for ourselves. Fast foods, restaurant meals, and convenience groceries all cost more than cooking for yourself from scratch. But who has time to cook from scratch any more? It's actually a vicious cycle - the job brings in more money, but you have to spend more money for the privilege of working!

With credit counseling, you provide a list of all your bills to the counselor. You must destroy your credit cards and can buy nothing on credit once you enlist their services. They will negotiate with your creditors to reduce the payments and the interest rates on your bills. They will then determine a single monthly bill which you must pay to the credit counseling agency. They in turn will pay your bills for you.

Debt consolidation just means that a loan from a bank is used to cover all the debts and you make a single payment to the bank. Again, it is important not to go on using your credit cards! We live in a affluent age with lots of options for spending money. Remember that all those things you think you need really won't make you happy in the long run.

Learn to enjoy the simple and free pleasures. Read library books instead of buying your own. A four dollar magazine might not seem like much of an expense, but you can save it by checking the magazine out of the library. That four dollars can be applied to your debts. Little by little, big debts, whether you choose to consolidate your debts or not, can be whittled down. You can one day be debt free if you really want to.

Manage Your Business Cash Flow

In any medium size business, a very high rate of attention is concentrated on the cash flow.


Because the cash flow is the heart of the business, and as any other "heart", it sustains the business.

Business owners realize the importance of a positive cash balance in their business. In this positive situation all decision like staff, systems, marketing, finances are much easier to take. The investment has been made, the forecast of profit is very good, and the business already has some funds available.

Anyway, the management of cash remains the biggest problem in a business.

The key aspects of cash management are the cash receivable from customers for sales, services and so on and cash payable to suppliers for payments. In many situations this funds that cycle around you are the most important elements of the cash flow.

This is a fact that is recognized by most business owners, however they are not always prompt in taking some measures to properly control these cash movements.

For many small or medium businesses, credit management is a part-time activity or may not exist at all. The opportunist debtor will use this against you, he will seize the chance to delay terms of his debt payments. This is a common practice on the business market because both parties accept that payment terms will always be delayed.

Why is such an environment accepted by business owners?

None of the business owners will underestimate the need to have cash inflows, however due the lack of preparation in collecting the debt or the fear of losing a potential customer timeliness of those inflows will all too often be delayed.

A delay in securing payments on time will have a strong impact over the cash flow, will increase the working capital, and increase costs. The often overlooked costs of late payment can destroy the future of your business.

A short fall of the cash flow may risk the ability of the business to pay it's creditors with the stabilized terms of contracts.

The creditors should lax their credit management and delay settlement until such time that the debtor cash has been received.

But not all creditors are prepared to accept this kind of settlements. credit limits may be reduced or withdrawn and until settlement is done deliveries of new orders may be delayed. In these situations the business owners must find other funding sources to cover the timing difference between cash payments to creditors and late cash receipts from debtors.

A single situation may be manageable, but repeated may become a heavy weight for the business. As the business grows the cash flow amplifies and the gaps that appear are bigger and bigger.

All business owners agree that without cash there won't be any business, however, its continual recognition in the daily management of the business is not always so evident.

An unmanaged cash flow environment will increase the time spent by the business owner working "in" the business on cash management activities. Time should be devoted to working "on" the business generating growth to secure its future.

Infrastructure For International Business and Finance

Infrastructure development is crucial in every country that wants to escalate forward in their economic status. However, there are those that cannot afford because of the lack of resources. The World Bank, established in 1994, is such a vital spring in international business and finance that has been assisting countries all over the world.

It is not a bank, as the name suggests, but it is a global organization that is made up of two special progressive institutions. This international business and finance source consists of 184 nations together with the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IAD).

Each has a specific responsibility supportive of its mission to alleviate poverty and lifestyle improvements. The International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) concentrates on middle income and creditworthy poor regions while the International Development Association (IDA) is on the poorest regions in the globe. Both offers low- interest loans and interest- free credit that also provides education, health, communications and other beneficial purposes.

This international business and finance group also has its own affiliates like the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). IFC grants advisory services, loans, structured finance, equity and management products that build the private sector in developing countries. MIGA promotes global immediate investment into developing nations to assist economic growth, improve lives and reduce poverty. ICSID imparts facilities for the pacification and mediation of feuds between member countries and investors.

Some of the members of World Bank are Afghanistan, Albania, Barbuda, Belize, Chile, China, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guinea, Germany, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia,. Korea, Kuwait, Jordan, Jamaica, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Philippines, Romania, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Thailand, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, it has a total of 184; 165 for International Development Association; 178 for International Finance Corporation; 167 for Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and 143 for International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes.

Since it is an international business and finance cooperative, the shareholders are represented by a Board of Governors. They gather every once a year at the Annual Meetings to make policies as well as discuss about the International Monetary Fund. Since their convention only happens very seldom, they delegate specific responsibilities to about 24 executive directors who work on- site at the headquarters located in Washington D.C. The biggest depositors are United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and United States who are the ones who appoint. At present, the president of World Bank is Paul Wolfowitz who holds a five- year and renewable term. He is accountable for the overall management of the organization and chairs meetings that are called for.

Accounts Receivable Financing- Think Differently!

Borrowing money is as American as apple pie. Americans borrow money to purchase houses, to finance automobiles, and to pay for luxury items on their credit cards every day. It is a rare individual that can pay all cash for their house, their car, or their credit card bill every month. The U.S. economy thrives on credit because of the recycling of cash when these purchases occur. America is an economic powerhouse, partly because collectively we borrow so much money to have things today, instead of saving the cash to buy these items some day, if ever, in the future. Economic theorists are of the opinion that when you purchase a house, the cash recycles about seven times: to the realtor, to the title company, to the mortgage broker, to the lender, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker, and so forth.

We live in the land of opportunity. You do not need a college degree or pedigree to become an entrepreneur. All you need is the ability to organize, manage, and assume the risks of a business with a sufficient amount of cash to fund the business.

Borrowing money is the American paradigm for success for individuals and for businesses. According the American Heritage Dictionary, a "paradigm is:

1. One that serves as a pattern or model.
2. A set or list of all the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: the paradigm of an irregular verb.
3. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.

Usage Note: Paradigm first appeared in English in the 15th century, meaning "an example or pattern," and it still bears this meaning today: Their company is a paradigm of the small high-tech firms that have recently sprung up in this area. For nearly 400 years paradigm has also been applied to the patterns of inflections that are used to sort the verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech of a language into groups that are more easily studied. Since the 1960s, paradigm has been used in science to refer to a theoretical framework, as when Nobel Laureate David Baltimore cited the work of two colleagues that "really established a new paradigm for our understanding of the causation of cancer." Thereafter, researchers in many different fields, including sociology and literary criticism, often saw themselves as working in or trying to break out of paradigms. Applications of the term in other contexts show that it can sometimes be used more loosely to mean "the prevailing view of things." The Usage Panel splits down the middle on these nonscientific uses of paradigm. Fifty-two percent disapprove of the sentence The paradigm governing international competition and competitiveness has shifted dramatically in the last three decades."

For more dictionary information please see: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
What does this have to do with accounts receivable financing?
Banks exist primarily to loan money to people and businesses, on a safe and sound basis according to federal banking regulations. The banking paradigm for businesses involves offering checking and savings accounts to take money in, and offering various types of business and personal loans to "get the money out". Their goal is to make a profit on your cash for the bank. To qualify for these loans you have to prove, to the bank's satisfaction, that you have the clear and present ability to repay these loans. If you are a startup company, a company that is growing very rapidly, or an established company that is affected by a sudden negative event, the banking paradigm may not work for you. Perhaps, you need to think differently; perhaps your perspective is "inside the banking paradigm box" and you need an alternative.
What is inside the box thinking? According to 'Thinking Outside the Box'? By Ed Bernacki Published April 2002:
"Thinking inside the box means accepting the status quo. For example, Charles H. Duell, Director of the US Patent Office, said, "Everything that can be invented has been invented." That was in 1899: clearly he was in the box!
In-the-box thinkers find it difficult to recognize the quality of an idea. An idea is an idea. A solution is a solution. In fact, they can be quite pigheaded when it comes to valuing an idea. They rarely invest time to turn a mediocre solution into a great solution."

Mr. Bernacki distinguishes "inside the box" thinking vs. "thinking outside the box" as follows:
"Outside the Box
Thinking outside the box requires different attributes that include:
? Willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work.
? Openness to do different things and to do things differently.
? Focusing on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them.
? Striving to create value in new ways.
? Listening to others.
? Supporting and respecting others when they come up with new ideas.
Out-of-the box thinking requires openness to new ways of seeing the world and a willingness to explore. Out-of-the box thinkers know that new ideas need nurturing and support. They also know that having an idea is good but acting on it is more important. Results are what count."
If your B2B business does not have enough bank credit to expand at the rate you need, or if your B2B business cannot take advantage of growth opportunities because of lack of funds, you may need to think differently: think outside the box. Think of using the virtually unlimited financing that is available fromaccounts receivable financing.
To think differently, you may need to overcome the two most common "inside the box" concerns regarding accounts receivable financing.
Objection: "Our customers will not want do business with our company if they know we are dealing with a commercial financing company to finance our accounts receivable".
Think Differently: Accounts receivable financing allows you to offer credit terms, like the bank. Many businesses prefer to resell your products or services and earn a profit before they have to pay you for your product or service.Accounts receivable financing generally involves notification to your customers of the arrangement to "manage" your receivables; and verification from your customers that your product or services were "satisfactory". From your customer's point of view, someone in their account's payable department is changing the "pay to" portion of their check to the address of a commercial finance company. Usually the check is cut payable to you and sent to a P.O. Box of the commercial finance company. In certain situations, notification may not be required at all; this is called non-notification factoring.
Objection: "Accounts receivable financing is too costly".
Think Differently: Accounts receivable financing is a paradigm for success; you will have the necessary working capital you need to fulfill larger orders by accelerating your cash flow. You will need a gross margin of 20% or more, in general, for this type of financing to make economic sense. There is an inverse relationship between the cost of financing and the size of your credit facility: the larger the credit facility, the lower the cost. In other words, the fees and rates will be less for $500,000 per month than for $25,000 per month.
The bottom line: Accounts Receivable Financing- Think Differently! is intended to help you think "outside the box" and become more profitable. One tried and true paradigm for achieving this result as an entrepreneur with a B2B business isaccounts receivable financing.

Personal Finance: How To Be Smart With Your Money

Group insurance is the most common type of coverage in the United States today. One can usually obtain broader benefits at a lower cost if one is covered as a member of a professional group, a service club or as an employee of a covered company. However, for a slightly higher premium one may join associations
such as Blue-Cross Blue-Shield or Kaiser as a non-group subscriber and receive similar benefits. With both spouses frequently working nowadays, it is not uncommon to find oneself covered under more than one group policy; once as a subscriber and again perhaps as a dependent of a spouse. Group policies
have provisions, however, limiting benefits to 100% of expenses covered so there can be no duplication or windfall for the insured covered under more than one group policy.

Because one's health is likely to change over a period of time, a consumer should take a good look at renewal provisions when purchasing health insurance. There are three classifications to consider. Renewal at the option of the insurer is the least desirable alternative from the insureds' point of view. The
insurance company reserves the right to periodically reevaluate the insured in terms of possible deteriorating health and economic conditions in general. The insurer can cancel the policy, raise premiums and insert restrictions as to the future coverage offered.

The second category is the guaranteed renewable policy which prohibits the insurance company from canceling or changing coverage or raising premiums unless the entire class of policy holders is affected. The most lenient renewal provision is the non-cancelable ("non-can") policy which gives the insurance
company no right to make any changes in the consumers' coverage or premiums as long as the policy is kept in effect by the offer of timely payments.

Of course the trick when evaluating insurance is to weigh the cost against the privilege. In this case the more lenient the renewal provisions in a particular policy, the higher the premiums will be. However, the higher cost may well be worth it to a consumer who anticipates failing health because of family history or some other reason and therefore does not want to risk being turned down for coverage in future years or having to pay prohibitive premiums for inadequate coverage.

Basic medical coverage is limited as to the benefits provided and has relatively low policy limits in this age of soaring health care costs. Most people find major medical coverage preferable and almost mnecessary. High limits on benefits are possible by using deductibles, coinsurance provisions and inside
limits to bring the premiums within the range of most consumers. Coupled with stop-loss provisions, the risk of catastrophic illness is adequately eliminated. There are many providers of health insurance but group plans are the most popular. The majority of workers receive some such coverage for their families through their employment. Often premiums are paid by their employer as a fringe benefit of the workplace. You should familiarize yourself with the provisions of government policies such as workman's compensation and Medicare. Make sure you check to see exactly what the renewal provisions are before you buy a particular policy and weigh the benefits to your specific situation against the cost.

Like any insurance policy, money (premium) is paid to the insurer (government) periodically, so that it is available to an employee should he find himself without a job. Like some group health insurance policies, the premium is paid by the employer not the employee (beneficiary) who receives the benefits. The one big difference is that whereas health insurance is an optional fringe benefit provided as a supplement to wages, unemployment insurance is a mandatory
payroll tax in order to fund the program. There are exceptions and modifications to this broad statement.

How to accept credit card payments via the Internet

So you’ve finally decided to explore the revenue channel offered by the Internet. Accepting credit cards via the Internet has paved the way for merchants to increase their income. With more consumers shopping online, it’s a profitable decision for businesses to provide credit card payment processing on their websites. The question would then be, where do you begin?
Here are the 3 major components of credit card processing:

Payment Gateway
A payment gateway manages the secure transfer of credit card funds of your customers from your website to your merchant account. This is done with a software interface provided by the payment gateway company that collects vital credit card data from the customer, and also informs the customer in real time if their credit card was approved or not. Payment gateway companies normally charge a transaction fee and a discount rate for this kind of service. Fees will vary from one processor to another, as well as features.
The three “ty's” of payment gateways:
scalability (can they handle varying transaction volumes)
reliability (do their servers provide 99.9% uptime)
security (fraud prevention tools, Address Verification Service, 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, PCI compliance)
Without the proper security tools you are vulnerable to pilferers, and credit card scammers, and you don’t want that happening on your site.

Merchant Account
A merchant account is an account with a bank that allows you to accept credit card payments. The payment gateway wires the billing information to the merchant account provider, and subsequently collects the funds from the customer’s account.
Two kinds of merchant accounts:
‘card present’ - retail and Point of Sale(POS) merchants
‘card not present’ - Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO), and Internet Merchants.

An Internet Merchant Account enables credit card payments via the Internet. You can gain an Internet merchant account in three ways:
Through a reputable bank
Broker or intermediary
Third party
Most banks are not too keen in accepting start up businesses, and their ecommerce services are still at the developing stage. Getting a merchant account through a bank not only depends on how large your business is, but also on what kind of business you’re doing. Businesses in the field of pharmacy, gambling, adult entertainment, and travel usually won’t even dare knock on the doors of these banks for it’s just a waste of time.
Brokers, on the other hand, can help you obtain a merchant account by acting as your representative to the bank. They make your business more appealing, and improve your chances of getting your own merchant account. However, like banks, they steer clear of high risk merchants, and you might have to produce documents (business plans, personal net worth, mortgage and credit card bills) to prove your business worth.
Still unsuccessful with the first two options, most merchants are more than willing to get a free merchant account via third party processor. Application is simple and most third party processors will waive application/set up fees, and provide value-added services for free. Most processors have a “sell nothing, pay nothing” policy, and caters to most high risk merchants turned down by banks and brokers. Account approval is quick, and you can start selling in less than 24 hours. However, third party processors can charge slightly higher on transactions unlike having your own Internet merchant account.

Without a functional website, you won’t be able to sell your products and services on the Internet. Merchant account providers sometimes offer site templates to choose from, and payment gateways offer shopping carts that are seamlessly incorporated on your site. The key words here are: easily integrated. If you can’t integrate, you can’t sell.

In general, these three are the main factors when accepting credit card payments over the Internet. Having these three won't guarantee a successful online business, but are imperative if you plan on engaging in ecommerce. Search the web for the best solution you feel can help your business succeed. Merchants have long tapped the revenue potential of the ecommerce market, its about time you do.

Forex Trading Systems

Through the method of Forex trading the dealers can earn quick profits and with the changes in the economic conditions the investors get attractive opportunities to invest. Although there are no fixed guidelines for the Forex trading but the specialists have their own views and observations at the same time not deviating from the main objective. In simple terms it can be said with the method of Forex trading it regularizes the doubts and queries of the investors to invest more. Every entry is exclusively administrated with some set of guidelines which is only affected by any changes in the market.

It is no different from other methods of trading, as here also there are risks and rewards. The only thing that really matters is that how much capital you put at risk to receive significant rewards. Before investing you should also make a survey of the prices prevalent in the market, various market behaviors.

Experts are of the opinion that Forex trading is a combination of both science and art. It is an art because it includes a defined practice, set guidelines and theories. Having appropriate knowledge and with the assistance of the technology is very important for every individual life, as you have to take important decisions in your life.

Mechanical trading methods are a part of Forex trading and which assists you in making significant judgment. With the input of any data the system makes provides you with the suitable solution for it.

With the advancement of the technology the advanced computer editions of these mechanical methods are known as ‘black box’ processes. They are very smart that is the reason these are known as mechanical methods. With this just switch on your computer and it will revise all the trading suggestions and will straightaway make an order to the dealers.

Even a nanosecond matters a lot in the trading of five minute charts, so no doubt conducting fast operations is a must in the Forex trading. The base of the Forex trading relies on moving averages. The major and the most superior systems employ the mixture of the cost and the volume. Stochastic is put into use by the most efficient systems these are mathematical methods for non-linear science.

Forex trading systems are reactive in nature as under the changes in the market the system presumes that it will stay like this only. It takes these decisions through the systems that are planned in the system. There are Black Boxes that calculate a major collection of markers in accordance to increase the confidence of the action proposal.

In the stock market the dealers those who purchase and sell breakouts they are known as momentum players. Does that system will be successful or not or will produce a loss, the formulas of the investors think that this will be continue.

Trying Forex With The Best Strategy And Approach

With the present condition majority of the people are showing keen interest to invest their dollars in order to grow it at a faster pace. There is one problem that not too much people are interested in investing as compared they prefer banks.

It is not like that the banks are not a safer option but it takes a major amount of time period to develop and moreover the banks have the lower rates. If you want to earn quick money then it requires money and with it risks are involved.

Forex is the main area where you can make investment for better profits.Forex trading is the biggest fiscal forum with approximately 3.1 trillion dollars per day. Forex trading is function around the clock. The business is conducted across the world with the help of telephones and computers. In just a matter of seconds the fiscal exchange crosses millions.

Forex trading is mainly consists of various banks, companies, and organizations that deals in Forex trading. Various Forex trading companies continue analyzing the developments across the world which side by side also affects the currency’s price. Forex trading mainly deals with the currency exchange with various other countries. The idea is to evaluate the position of the currency and the business.

As for the small Forex trading deals, managed accounts are the best choice- as they have the little risk. In this case you trust your investments and also the sincere Forex dealers. These Forex dealers put their prior experience, vast knowledge, and planning for the growth of the money for a fee.

With the advancement of the technology- internet has emerged as the most preferred method for Forex trading as now it could be done with just a click on the mouse. Money is exchanged at a faster pace and with efficiency. The internet has also made easy the fiscal transactions as it can be done across the world and within a shorter time period.

Foreign exchange can be evaluated with the help of technical evaluation and the fundamental evaluation. There is a huge difference between the two. In the fundamental evalution- Forex dealers and evaluators are responsible for determining the reasons of fluctuations in the market. Under this method there are major involvement from the country’s state, financial rules, country’s laws, and average growth rate.

The Technical evaluation of Forex trading deals with graphic representation, charts and other visual methods. The past records are also referred to determine the rise and fall of various currencies. These records are of great assistance for determining the behavior of the currencies. There is so much to learn about the Forex trading as the Forex dealers learn new aspects every single day.

If you are able to understand the right timing and the adequate transaction then you can expect rewarding returns from Forex trading. There are also risks added to this as Forex trading can be a little tricky in a situation where you have wrong predictions or estimations. It is advisable that prior to investing with any company, evaluate its authenticity and genuineness in Forex trading.

Money-Saving Advice & Tips

Social Bookmarking

Saving money is a task we could all improve on. After the bills have been paid, many people find themselves rewarding their hard work at the office with weekend getaways, dinners out, new gadgets and countless other forms of entertainment. The truth is, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this! But, saving and spending should be a game of balance, and the these tips will get you off to a great start:

• Set up an automatic weekly account transfer from your checking to savings account. This way, you’ll be forced to save.

• Keep a budget: With the advent of online banking, many of us forgo those Excel sheets that let us see our financial state for what it truly is.

• When you go grocery shopping, go with a list. How many of us have gone in empty-handed and come out with more than we wanted to?

• If you’re tempted to make an impulse purchase, give yourself 24 hours to think it over. Chances are, that LCD TV won’t be as tempting when you’re not staring straight at it.

• Keep a separate savings account for long-term financial goals or rainy days…and don’t touch it.

• Don’t always turn to your credit cards. If you see your cash disappearing and find yourself making frequent ATM-run’s, you’ll definitely pick up on your spending habits.

• Make short-term goals: For instance, set a limit each week of what you can spend and don’t go beyond that figure.

Though these bits of advice will give you a sunnier financial situation, it’s inevitable that we all run into sticky money scenarios at times. describes how paycheck advance services are a viable resource when all else fails.

If your bills are due and you simply don’t have the funds, sites like PayDay OK can distribute cash into your accounts next-day if you’re approved. Though there are fees involved and you really shouldn’t get used to them, payday loans are a means to prevent late payments and interest on outstanding balances and bills.

Investing in Equities

A lot of investors go about their investments in an illogical way. They're given a tip from their broker on basis of some rumor or news. They impulsively buy the scrip and afterwards wonder why they bought the stock.

Such Behavior is foolish and must be avoided. The moment you receive a tip on a stock, confirm the news on bseindia or nseindia website. The news, if any, will be on these sites; be it dividend payoffs, announcements, earnings, corporate move to buy another company, fight of top management or any other news.

Broadly one should abide by following guidelines:-

1. Business of Company
Buy stocks of only those businesses that you understand. Once you have bought a stock, keep watch on quarterly results of that company and also keep watch on the general trend in the sector of that stock.

2. Study the past performance
All companies present particulars of their fiscal operation in their yearly reports. Study their past performance and then invest.

3. Know the promoters
The Management team and promoters of a company are key people who bring growth to a business. Invest in companies that have good promoters, experienced management, and where promoters hold more than 40% of the shares.

4. Future outlook of the company
Although a company could have done well in the past, it is not necessary that it will carry on performing well in the time to come. Keep a close watch on sector trend and market trend. You can know this by reading views of financial experts.

5. Stock price
The share price of each company fluctuates continuously on the stock markets with investors buying and selling the shares. The cost at which a person is conformable to buy or sell a share of a company is the perceived value of the share of the company taking into consideration the company’s present business and future business growth. Besides this, investor sentiment plays a large role in pricing of stocks. It is important that prior to buying a stock, you evaluate whether the price of that share at which it is available for purchase, is adequately valued i.e. it is not over-priced. Similarly, when you sell, you need to be sure that you are not selling dirt cheap. To help you evaluate this, you may apply a popular ratio called the Price/Earning ratio (P/E ratio). The P/E ratio is based on the following formula:

P/E ratio = Market price of the share
Earning per share (EPS)*

*EPS = Profit After Tax (PAT)
Total number of shares issued by the company

You can find information on the EPS, PAT and total number of shares issued by the company from its annual report.

Once you have bought a stock after doing sufficient research, then you must not sell the stock in hurry if it falls by 5-10%. But at the same time you must keep a stop loss and sell if there is major shift in sector trend.

Forex Trading Course: Become a Captain of your Money Rather then a Slave

Forex Trading Course and Your Cash

We're all becoming internationally connected these days. We are brought closer by the Internet, written publications, and mobile phones. Before these inventions, countries rarely had contact with each other apart from battles and trading. Only explorers got to see and experience the world. Today is very different from the past years. Now, one can know the events in other countries as simply as you can find out news about your next-door neighbors. Businesses have become international. Even in this world where we're so connected, however, our worlds are very different. We share goods and supplies, but we have to remember our economies are very separate things.

Economies are fueled by supply, demand, and money. Since different countries use different currencies, it could be a problem when doing business internationally. That's why there are exchange rates to approximate a currency's value compared to another. These exchange rates are always changing. A Forex Trading strategy is useful in this scenario.

If you're searching for supplemental income, you can earn money online with Forex Trading.

You'll know how to make money on exchange rates and take part in the change in economies with a Forex Trading course. You can take the course over the World Wide Web, anytime. Also, as soon as you've finished the course and learn how to create a Forex Trading strategy, you can continue doing your work over the Internet.

Forex Trading is a great money-making chance because you earn what you work for. You'll even be your own manager.

You have a chance to know the economy of both the country you are in and various countries around the globe. This is a world that's ever shifting and you can be involved in it. There are always opportunities to buy and sell because of shifting economies and this makes the market very profitable.

Spending time to research into a Forex Trading course may improve the way you look at investing forever. Why not spend time to examine another way to gainfully handle your money? You won't be your money's slave anymore because you'll be its captain. A Forex course might be the very thing that opens the door of opportunity for you.

Why Mutual Funds Are A Better Option For Retail Investors

It is simply instinctive to get attracted toward equity. The success stories - few true and many false - of people having become millionaires overnight, are bound to allure anyone. But the fact is that Stock Market isn't easy money; Stock market is not everyone’s cup of tea.

It is our hard-earned savings, which is at stake. So let’s be very concrete about it.

Do you have adequate capital?

It is sheer common sense that a diversified portfolio with 18-20 stocks is less risky than a small portfolio with only 3-4 stocks.

However, for a retail investor, capital is normally limited. With this small money supply it won't be likely for him to adequately diversify his/her portfolio. In such a condition, Mutual Funds extend an alternative to be a part of well-diversified portfolio even with small capital like $100.

Naturally, a small portfolio can give super natural returns but on the other hand the risk is also very high. This high-risk high-reward scheme wouldn't be appropriate for absolute majority of retail investors. It just suits a couple of select expert investors who have lots of money to put into market.

Also, with moderate capital it's hard to buy pricey shares like Google, Infosys etc. This drives us to buy low price stocks. Broadly speaking high-priced stocks will be good shares and low-priced stocks might not be that good shares. Hence, with limited capital you could end up with a inferior portfolio.

Given the fact that moderate capital could mean small and inferior portfolio, Mutual Funds perhaps are more preferable path for those who cannot bring in enough money for investing

Do you have adequate knowledge & expertise?

Ok, let’s be really honest and frank here.

· Do you have more expertise about companies, economy, market trends, etc. than a qualified and knowledgeable professional investment company?

· Can you interpret the balance sheet and Annual Reports as easily as an investment company and make right conclusions?

· Can you identify the future sectors of growth? Or those that could face a downswing in the immediate future?

In short, are you more knowledgeable than an investment company?

In 99% cases, the answer would be ‘Nope’.

So why do common retail investors enter the hard terrain of securities industry, when you have the chance to allow the exert people to do the task for you?

Do you have adequate time & resources?

Let’s presume that you have big bucks to invest and also a really sound understanding of the equity markets. But do you have the third important criteria, “Time & Resources”?

There are numerous listed companies. Some of them are booming, some were booming and some will be booming. You need to purchase stocks that will be flourishing; you need to exit those whose flourishing phase is about to cease; and you need to hold on to those who are still in the success phase. The timing is very decisive for making fortune in stock markets.

Now this list keeps varying quite frequently and it calls for constant research to keep oneself updated. So, there won’t be many retail investors who can afford to devote time to study thousands of annual reports and tracking the performance of companies. Moreover, yearly reports are not all that is needed to research a company. How many of us can travel to company premises, contact their management and talk over their plans, earning expectations, etc.? Can you talk personally to the industry experts? Even if you can do all of this, can it be done on an ongoing basis - day after day every year?

So who is best person to do a sound research - a Mutual Fund with its’ experienced research squad or you, who are as too occupied with our own businesses/job?

Unlike all this, opting for Mutual Funds is a comparatively much easier task. Also, it does not ask for close monitoring. Hence it becomes the finest option for retail investors to relish the yields of stock market, without being forced to commit lots of time and effort.

The Road to Personal Finance

Keeping control of your personal finances is critical if you want to stay out of a money crisis in the present and want to achieve financial goals in the future. That will give you security, less stress and peace of mind. Being preventative about financial problems can be a great help, but in order to do that you are going to need professional assistance.

Help From a Pro

In order to get your finances in order, you’ll need help from a Denver personal financial advisor. Your advisor should have training to help you reach your goals in both the near and long term. Also, your Denver personal financial advisor should give recommendations on how to pay for education and your retirement with savings. That’s what you need from a Denver financial advisor — well thought advice based on experience to help you analyze your present financial position. The advisor will get you on the right track with your assets, salary, and savings.

Other Areas an Advisor Can Help With

There are some other specific decisions a Denver financial advisor can help you with. When seeking their assistance, check to see if they can do these things:

• Counsel you about investing
• Help with retirement savings
• Assist in creation of an estate plan
• Help with creation of a business plan

You may not be well-versed in the world of investing, so you will need a Denver planner who has much more knowledge before you start anything. In investing, there are some decisions that will make a big difference between success and failure. Your retirement planning is important because you need to get your money working for the future. Ultimately, you need money to live on and achieve your goals. You do that by working with your assets and savings. Estate planning comes after retirement and is the plan you have to assure that your family will benefit from your financial success after you have died. Finally, one of your goals may be running, buying, or selling a business. You need to check with a Denver financial planner to make that transition easy and successful.

How a Denver fee-only financial advisor structures the way they get paid is important, because you want someone who is charging a percentage for the assets they manage. That is the best deal for you. They will focus on managing your money, rather than figuring out their commission. You, on the other hand, will be able to focus on what other dreams you have.

One of the best registered investment advisors in the Denver area you can find is Patrick Johnson. He will work a very specific plan that meets the needs you have right now as well as the dreams you have for the future.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Aquamarine Rings

Aquamarine Rings

Author: Kayla Alyssa

Aquamarine is a transparent gemstone which has a fragile blue or turquoise color, though color may range from faded green to blue. It's the birthstone for the month of March and the gemstone for the 19th Anniversary. It is firmly related to emerald and is associated with happiness and understanding. You can use it for good luck, as many sailors believe, or you can present it to a new bride as a symbol of consistency.

The word aquamarine came from the Latin word aqua marina, meaning water of the sea as its color is suggestive of the hint of the seawater. Aquamarine is a transparent variety of the beryl family of minerals, which also produces emerald. It's a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with a hexagonal crystal structure. Its Mohs toughness range from 7.4 to 8 and has a specific gravity of 2.68 to 2.74.

The green or blue color of aquamarine is given to the stone by the iron deposits, which can be found near where the stone is forming. The color is due to the chemical effect of the iron during the formation. But aquamarine is sensitive to daylight and its color can fade or lighten over time if the stone is exposed to the sun's rays.

However, not all aquamarines are green or blue. Aquamarines can be much lighter than blue-green. There are even yellow or just about clear aquamarines. To bring out more color in these kinds of aquamarine, jewelers heat-treat them.

Most aquamarines employed in jewellery were heated to make brighter colours. A rich blue aquamarine gemstone is more costly. However, the heating process can make the gemstone look less attractive. It can come out with an even lighter color when heated.

Aquamarines can be found in Russia, China, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Tanzania and US. In the U. S. , aquamarines can be found in central Colorado, at the summit of Mount Antero in the Sawatch Range and in the Big Horn mountains near Powder brook Pass in Wyoming. The biggest deposits of aquamarines are located in Brazil.

The biggest aquamarine ever mined weighed over 110 kilograms. Its dimensions were 48.5 centimeters long and 42 centimeters in diameter. It was found in 1910 in Brazil, at the city of Marambaia, Minas Gerais.

There had been a large amount of superstitious ideology associated with aquamarine. It was believed to be powerful when dunked in water. In the ancients times, folk thought the water in which the gemstone had been submerge may be employed to cure a selection of sicknesses of the heart, liver, mouth, throat and stomach. During the Middle Ages, folks thought that aquamarine crystals could magically overcome the effect of poison.

The traditional Romans assumed that aquamarine was holy to Neptune. Early sailors wore aquamarine talismans, engraved with the likeness of Neptune, because they suspected that it might guarantee a safe excursion and guarantee a safe return. They also assumed that putting it under their pillow would guarantee sound sleep. Ancient sailors also thought that a mermaid's fish-like lower body was made of aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a particularly sturdy stone to be used in jewellery and is a comparatively abounding gem. Unlike any other gemstones, the bulk of aquamarines are flawless. This gemstone also symbolizes security and safety, particularly inside long distance relationship. Some folks believe this stone can reawaken love in a knackered marriage.

Aquamarines are relatively affordable due to its abundance synthetic aquamarines are expensive because they're difficult to turn out. The most valuable variety of aquamarine is blue. Its Moh's toughness rating of 7.5 makes it durable and extraordinarily wearable. Such characteristic also makes it a smashing choice for all types of jewellery too.

About the Author:

Melinda Gagnon lives in Atlanta and is a fine jewelry and gems enthusiast which has written at length providing tips on buying Aquamarine Earrings and suggestions. Check out some of her other suggestions at Aquamarine Stone

Article Source: - Aquamarine Rings

Trend Alert! Ladies Boots

Trend Alert! Ladies Boots

Author: Janet Angster

Spoiler Warning- Ladies boots are trendier than ever! If you are looking for a to-die-for pair of trendy ladies boots to add to your fashion repertoire, look no further, find the loot on trendy ladies boots below!

When summer is officially here, ladies boots of summer emerge along with some advanced screenings of fall fashion trends. Wedge heels, sculpted heels, spiked heels, low heels, high heels, platform-to-the-sky heels, these ladies boots are reaching to new fashion levels. Perhaps there should be a safe word for shoe shoppers because this season's ladies boots are daring, sexy and all kinds of woman!

Open Boots

Summer is the hot, steamy, sweat-inducing kind of fashion season, and so enters the trend of open ladies boots. A hybrid between a sandal and a boot, open ladies boots can look strictly schoolmarm, but with an open peep toe, heel or grommets, there's no straight and narrow in these ladies boots. Consider your standard over the calf, below the knee ladies boot, woven from a patchwork of slim straps in the shape of a boot with openings at the heel, toe or, really, anywhere a little opening might happen' The tribal and gladiator sandal have traveled up the leg and around the foot to become a ladies boot. With the stealth and power to inspire designers from the catwalk to the strip mall to create sexy sandals out of ladies boots, this fashion trend is leaving foot swaddling to the fetishists.

Studded, Strapped and Swash Buckled

If foot confinement isn't your thing but the look of it is, then this ladies boot trend is going to make for a whole new kind of fashion slave. Ladies boots are starting a powerful new trend in showing a feminine side while toughening up. From ladies boots in engineering styles to booties for shakin' it on the dance floor, studs are popping up in all shapes and sizes. Spiked with rounds, pyramids or squares, buttoned, buckled or snapped, ladies boots are finding themselves in quite a bind. And strapping isn't showing up just for gladiator boots; ladies boots for warmth, show,' and business are sidling up, strapped and ready for anything goes. Accentuating the curves of a woman's leg, these ladies boots are revving up boot fashion and reveling in the power of women on the go, in the heat, and on the road.

Boots for Riding

Be it a hog, a horse, a bull or a tractor, ladies boots for riding are what's got the bull by its horns. Engineering boots with open toes, beaded wraps and buckled straps are riding onto the style scene in true fashion. Cowboy boots in every persuasion for any occasion are a colorful choice with ladies boots. Pointed, squared or rounded toes and heels are coming stacked or flat for that trendy southern laidback attitude. Western style ladies boots are keeping both current with the trends and true to tradition with stylish ladies wedding boots with lace up fronts and lacey inlays.' Choose your form of expression for ladies boots with colorful leather inlays, embroidery, hand-painted details, studded ankle straps, buckled wraps or any kind of embellishment that'll kick up some style. For the more traditional rider, tall riding boots, paddock boots and some stately dominatrix inspired lashings are upping the ante with a trend of ladies boots sure to keep you in the saddle and enjoying the ride.

Fold-Overs, Thigh Highs, Fringe, Oh My'

The height of fashion may be the least practical but is often the most intriguing ' enter thigh high foldover ladies boots. Several of the biggest designers are flaunting this wild ladies boot trend for fall. Lots of leather in full regalia to the tippiest-top of the leg, then folded over the calf or left to fall and flounce. Keep an eye on the runways for fold over ladies boots and check out Prada and Chloe for a few priceless trend previews. As for the fringe, it's all about motion and sass for the ladies boot. And fringe needn't be remanded to suede, moccasins or cowboy boots. Think ladies gladiator booties with a wedge pump heel and fringed ankle straps. Suede, leather and patent leather are the big three in materials, with shiny patent leather squeaking by for the lead.

Ladies Boots are four-season footwear. No need to suffer from the chill of withdrawal while your Uggs, Emus, Sorels or fleece lined boots hibernate until winter. Climb on board the ladies boot trend and find a few new ways to lift up your style by the bootstraps and throw your hat into a whole new fashion realm.

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Article Source: - Trend Alert! Ladies Boots

Tips to Select the Best Summer Skirts

Tips to Select the Best Summer Skirts

Author: Editor123

During summer, no girl would want to get caged up in a pair of jeans and other clothing. Even if not experimental, she would look for clothes that not only let her feel comfortable, but also help her make a fashion statement. Well, the best clothing option this summer is to wear skirts. Summer skirts offer that deft touch of femininity and are very comfortable to wear during summer season.

For the fashion conscious, skirts are the best choice, particularly during hot summer months. Skirts are a versatile piece of clothing as they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They also come in a variety of colors and suit every girl.

Selecting the best summer skirt: Some tips

  • Summer skirts are available in a variety of vibrant colors including shades of orange, yellow, red and gold. Choose summer skirts that have soft pastel shades or electric shades. Electric blue and red shades suit everyone.

  • Girls with boyish figures can opt for pencil skirts. Such skirts can give a curvy illusion. Choose pencil skirts with bold, floral patterns.

  • Women who have gained some weight can select A-line and full skirts as they can easily camouflage the problem areas.

  • To get that feminine, chic look, why not wear a summer skirt with butterfly motifs? Such skirts can be particularly very pretty if you wear a designer belt with it.

Tips to wear summer skirts to get that pretty look:

  • When wearing a full skirt, avoid wearing a wider-looking top. Make sure the top is tucked in. Since the outfit is very simple, you can add some spice by wearing a pretty piece of jewelry.

  • A combination of long skirts and flat sandals can be the best bet. You can also add a designer tank to your long skirt to add more color and sparkle.

  • A-line skirts should have tops tucked in to have that hourglass-like figure. This makes the body look more light and feminine. To have that sophisticated feel, you can wear gold rings and chunky sandals.

  • If you opt for a shorter skirt, always wear shoes or sandals with small heels.
About the Author:

The article is contributed by a professional content writer, having experiences of working in different clothing industries. For further information on summer skirts and designer skirts please visit

Article Source: - Tips to Select the Best Summer Skirts

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Author: Christianl

Nobody can ignore the existence of Christian Louboutin shoes in the fashion world. The wellknown red outsole and high heel both shaped the distinctive features of Christian Louboutin. In Europe and America, a great number of stars chasing the fever of Christian Louboutin. When you see a red outsole you can definitely figure it out and say that is the Christian Louboutin shoes. Red outsole has become the logo since it appeared. However, you can never forget the beauty that the Christian Louboutin shoesChristian Louboutin brings to you. You don’t even have to walk out of the indoor circumstance, and your slim,beautiful and grace leg could easily catch people’s eyes. Now you get this chance to be a part of them, you only have to chooes the one you like. Apparently, the design of Christian Louboutin always make people feel so fresh,each season, Christian Louboutin will make full use of their advantages to beautify shoes. Ladies could not refuse to accept such things. Christian Louboutin also consider your thoughts, there is a hiden part in the front so as to make you feel more comfortable, even the heel seems like 20 inches but you still can enjoy the amazing wearing feelings because of such small part. The only purpose left for us to do is make you beautiful.

We have been in the business of Christian Louboutin Shoes for over 5 Years
We have been purchasing original designer shoes, and shipping them to our factories in Italy, France and Asia. We then inspect every nook and cranny and purchase the same materials to ensure that the products we manufacture are virtually indistinguishable from the designer originals in every way.
All pictures on our website are of the exact products you will receive. We know that you want to know exactly what you are going to get when you place an order, so we have our photographer take pictures of every new product before it is put up for sale on our website.

We ensure quality of every shoes we made.
All our Christian Louboutin Shoes are shipped to you directly from our warehouse in Asia. Our staff oversees the production of each shoes to ensure quality and customer satisfaction. This means you get the best selection of Christian Louboutin shoes at the lowest price.

About the Author:

Christian Louboutin Shoes at Louboutin,Luxury french shoe designer.Christian Louboutin shoes on sale, save 70% off. It's really beautiful and fashionable. If you are interested in the shoes, please visit our

Article Source: - Christian Louboutin Shoes

Showing Your Wedding Shoes

Showing Your Wedding Shoes

Author: alice

As women and girls have paid more and more attention to each tiny ornament on their slim outline, I was fascinated on wedding shoes more than before. Is there anybody who says she will not care her wedding image? To save the most precious memory in life, we are accustomed with long-time preparations for coming wedding absolutely!

Hearing a question in one of quality bridal shoes store of “why not perfection”, I recognized more although I have been expecting a romantic wedding party all the time. Why not to be perfect? From top to toe, each bride should and must be the most sparkling one on that significant day which visits the lucky dog once in her life! Have you cared enough about your wedding shoes?

An old saying goes like to make sure it is done right is to do it yourself. That bride took a four-month leave of absence from work to be dedicated to prepare her wedding in next month. From wedding gown and veil for herself to bridesmaids’ and junior bridesmaids’ dresses, she chose carefully for her autumn wedding. What astonished me the most are her wedding shoes. Candidous tiny flowers along with the shoe side decorate her like an angel absolutely! High heels are forever welcomed in western pattern weddings because of its perfect effect in showing braids’ slim legs which is the same as white color—the eternal popular theme for new couples!

I really can not understand why wedding shoes in stores seem still incomparable beautiful while so many stylish shoes appear in fashion market. To be honest, I expect my wedding more and more each time seeing them. Is this instinct of females? Who knows?

Have you found content wedding shoes? I believe you will not be an exception while seeing those exactly made for girls such as “Ceci Air Rose” slingback from Nordstrom, Christian Louboutin Satin D’orsay pumps from Saks and also touch ups “Gemini” from They provide us with shoes fulfilling a lot of requirements which are comfortable, beautiful and work with your wedding gown. Besides high heels, you may need some other great styles while planning your wedding on grass or sand. Flat shoes can be a good option undoubtedly.

Another sincere recommendation is ballet slippers. If you do not want to have blisters on your feet by the end of the night, you really should consider this super comfy type of flat. Having very soft soles which forms to your feet all the time, they can be a strongly guarantee for your perfectness on wedding!

Do you have idea of doing something no one has ever done? Do you expect some uniqueness on your wedding shoes? How about trying Showtime Dance Shoes? Is this a strange name for you? Having been seen on Dance Naturals of Italy, Freed of London, International Dance Shoes and Supadance, they will make you be the most dynamic braid undoubtedly! It is time to show really!

No matter how many suggestions others give you, you will be only content once you start looking and recognizing that there are lots of cure wedding shoes available. They may seem not sexy as a pair of sexy high heels. However, you must believe it is the best ornament for your wedding gown on such a special day!

Do you have any idea on wedding shoes? Show them off now!

About the Author:

Alice from UGG Tall Sheepskin Boots Canada provides the best reviews of UGG Sheepskin Boots Canada.

Article Source: - Showing Your Wedding Shoes

Finishing Touches of the Leather Glove

Finishing Touches of the Leather Glove

Author: Jimmy Ireland

Glove making is an art, with skilled craftspeople trained to convey their skills by producing quality after quality. The finishing touches of glove making requires particular attention to the back of the glove, and any decoration that may need to be incorporated. Today, the traditional classic three rows of stitching, known as “points”, are most common, although in the past it was not unusual to decorate the backs of gloves or cuffs with embroidery. Nowadays, it is more likely to be a fancy stitch button, brass or metal detail trimming that decorates the back of the glove.

The lining of any glove is very important, and the care with which the lining is made and inserted will affect the glove’s final appearance. A glove may be lined with a variety of materials, silk and cashmere being the most popular linings used today. A Dents glove lining is actually made as a separate glove and, when inserted into the glove, it effectively becomes a glove within another glove. This gives an improved fit, and makes the gloves more comfortable to wear.

The different parts of the glove are now ready to be assembled and stitched together by machine or by hand. Gloves can be stitched in a variety of ways, depending on the weight of the leather and the lining being used. Every method of stitching has its own special name. The prickseam method, whereby the two edges of the gloves are exposed, is used for heavier weight leathers, whereas Inseam is, as the name suggests, a method by which the gloves are stitched inside out so, when they are finally turned the right way out, the inseam stitch becomes invisible, leaving a neat seam.

The glove in now ready for the separate glove lining to be inserted by hand using a Lining Former, which is the traditional method used by Dents. The gloves are now nearly complete, except that they must be carefully ironed. This process was originally known as laying-out, and was done entirely by hanf with the aid of Dolly sticks, which were inserted into the gloves with a damp cloth. Today, gloves are ironed on an electrically heated brass hand to give them the special finished appearance. This process is still known as Laying out. It takes 32 different operations to make a pair of Dents Leather gloves and, as each operation is complete, they are carefully examined for any imperfections which, if found, will result in their immediate rejection. Only then will the gloves be deemed worthy to carry the famous Dents label, and to be finally passed for shipment to a Dents appointed retailer.

A lot of effort goes into making a pair of leather gloves, but the end result makes it all worth-while. A pair of leather gloves can finish off an outfit for an accomplished look, whether you are male or female. Dents pride themselves for being the best at making quality leather accessories, whether it is a pair of leather shooting gloves or a leather shoulder bag that you are after, you are sure to get the best.

About the Author:

J Ireland

Dents Leather Gloves and Handbags

Article Source: - Finishing Touches of the Leather Glove

Using a Escada Perfume and Escada Cologne

Using a Escada Perfume and Escada Cologne

Author: mike jhon

Escada is a perfume perfect for summers. It has a fruity fragrance of grape, mandarin orange, rd fruit along with mint and bergamot. It has a very refreshing and sweet smell. You can get nostalgic with the fragrance of Escada which will take you to a romantic summer night at the beach.Escada is a fashion-oriented woman and men line that offers high-quality, exquisite details and outstanding workmanship with a comfortable fit. Lots of people, even those that don't like the smell of perfume, will like an Escada Perfume and escada cologne. This is because the escada smell is something that a lot of people associate with good things. When you are using the eacada perfume, you will apply it all over your body. Usually, with a perfume you will apply much more than with the perfect smell. This is because the smell is much more concentrated. With the perfume you can apply just a little bit and enjoy the fragrance for along time. It is important that you wear the right perfume at the right time if you want to gain maximum impact from your fragrance. Men and Women Perfume and cologne are now days going on favorite in natural living. Every one would care to take the scent to seem lovely, appealing. There are amount of varieties of scent accessible in the market place like as Escada perfume brands. Every brand is lovely good smell and perfect using for you.

Today perfume and cologne is the most popular and necessary brand for every person. Everyone used the sweet smell of perfumes like Escada fragrance. Escada cologne for men is citrus fragrance, great for day wear and romantic days, which makes it great choice for upcoming summer days. Escada Perfume is a great weekend perfume. Escada continued to provide high quality Discount Perfume and succeeded in expanding their clientele base, eventually growing too many fields of women's perfume and men’s cologne. This Perfume is not for a girl or a young woman who plans going to the disco. This fragrance is the aroma that suits with business costume in the morning and elegant dress in the evening. Today, it provides items in just about every fashion category, from clothing to shoes, perfume, cologne, bags, and other fashion accessories. Like many other fashion houses, Escada too started with its line of fragrance for every one. Escada is known for its unique perfumes and colognes. This perfumes have all been manufactured in the last four years and are high end perfumes, meaning they are not cheap - to purchase or to fragrance wear.

Escada perfumes are found in department stores and online specialty perfume stores and online department stores. You usually can find the best deals on the web - but you can't try before you buy. Get the best sale deals and escada Perfume bargains anywhere from USA online stores. Choose from the broadest possible range of escada Perfume and escada cologne models and brands. Your selection to the best-featured escada Perfume at the lowest price. You won't have anything to fear about your natural fragrance. However, a little bit of help from escada perfumes can't hurt sometimes. After all, if you're going to smell nice, why not do it with style?

About the Author:

Mike Jhon generally writes on perfumes, beauty product, beauty lotion & online perfume. This article is also written by Mike Jhon. Get more information about other Fragrance like Discount Perfume, Perfume and Cologne, Cheap Perfume, Men Cologne, Women Perfume, Escada Perfume, Bill Blass Perfume, Dolce & Gabbana Perfume, Cacharel Perfume,Clarins Perfume. Perfume. For more information visit at

Article Source: - Using a Escada Perfume and Escada Cologne